The official Monnaie de Paris in our shop !
You may have seen it on our socials : since May 2024 we now have the official Monnaie de Paris (commemorative coin) with an exclusive design based upon the abbey of Moissac ! Collectors know it well, the print is engraved with the year 2024 so once it's stock out, the next bundle will be different.
Ask it at the cashier !
Tests on the cloister columns
Two engineers from the Stone division of the French Historical Monuments Research Laboratory, Lise Leroux and Jérémy Hénin, recently worked on marble columns in the cloister to study the phenomena of alteration that compromise their conservation.
After measuring the speed the sound takes to cross the marble, these two scientists came back to calculate the salinity of the marble thanks to the SUZI machine which allows to see very quickly if the marble has a level of salt or water higher than it should. Rare are the laboratories possessing this advanced apparatus !
They speak about us- French Property News
In October 2019, we had the pleasure to welcome in Moissac the english journalist Lucy Parfor, during her trip trough Tarn-et-Garonne. Her report were first published in 2020 by the british magazine "France magazine". It is now published a second time, but from a different point of view, in the magazine "French Property news" this January 2021.
The waterways of Tarn-et-Garonne by Gillian Thorton - France Today
Last October 2019, we welcomed Gillian Thorton during her roadtrip in Tarn-et-Garonne and made her visit the Abbey Saint-Pierre.
You can read her article right here ! Moissac is on pages 106-107.
Around Moissac
Labeled « One of the Most Beautiful Village in France », « Stop on the Route to Saint-James of Compostela », « Remarkable Heritage Site », Lauzerte is one of the charming perched villages, overlooking the valleys that dominate the landscapes of the Community of Communes of Pays de Serre in Quercy.
The beautiful medieval city offers a naturally defensive site but its character is otherwise more hospitable and welcoming. A discovery experience invites you to walk trough its streets and around its square where are revealed forged irons signs, artistic sculptures and handicrafts. The spirit of theses places is shown : Lauzerte lives with art a beautiful story. It’s up to you to participate by discovering the various exhibition places (Espace Point de Vue, art galleries…) or the inevitable European Artistic Craft Days, the 10,11 and 12 April 2020.
Information and free leaflets
Tourist Office of Lauzerte
33 (0)5 63 94 61 94/ accueil@lauzerte-tourisme.fr
Moissac, lands of confluences
Located in the land of Occitania, between Bordeaux and Toulouse, flanked by the rivers Tarn and Garonne, the Community of Communes « Terres des Confluences » spreads over 22 communes.
Moissac, site labeled Great Sites of Occitania/South of France, and its abbey classified at the Unesco’s World Heritage as part of the Routes to Saint-James-of-Compostela offer the territory an unparalleled radiance. Many hiking trails, of which the famous Via Podiensis, cross the villages of Moissac, Lauzerte and Auvillar and allow to discover the remarkable landscapes of Tarn-et-Garonne.
With ourdoor activities, the leisure centre of Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Grave, the Bycicle Greenway of « Canal des Deux Mers » and its direct connection with the motorways, Terres des Confluences is turned towards the development of its economic and touristic attractiveness.
Tourist Office Moissac – Terres des Confluences
33 (0)5 32 09 69 36 / accueil@tourisme-moissacconfluences.fr
Auvillar, "Deux Rives" getaway
Located at the heart of the South-West, at the edge of departments of Tarn-et-Garonne, Lot-et-Garonne and Gers, our land, crossed by the river Garonne and the Canal des Deux Mers, is a genuine link between the regions Occitanie and Nouvelle Aquitaine. Let yourself be surprised by this generous and authentic land, let yourself be charmed by our beautiful villages with remarkable heritage, let yourself be seduced by our various landscapes. Welcome in Deux Rives !
Discover Auvillar, its surprising circular grain hall, its art galleries and its Faïence and river transport museum. Travel through time thanks to the Conservatory of Traditional Crafts in Donzac. Enjoy strolling through the alleys of the bastide of Montjoi et and walking the other small heritage jewels of this land.
Information and free leaflets
Tourist Office of Deux Rives
33 (0)5 63 39 89 82 / ot-auvillar@cc-deuxrives.fr